“Loosely based on a true story’” is a collection of objects which explore the embodiment of memory fragments and emotions, both personal and vicarious. Underpinned by darkness and soil, these mementoes speak of pleasure, desire, lust and control, without the slightest malevolence.
I employ a working methodology of repetition via the use of moulds, and take each form through a series of making processes which seek to map the space between the individual and the multiple.
The use of a coloured clay body and sprig forms is a recognition of the history of manufacturing and the (dis)connection of craft and skill. A contemporised kintsugi and traditional staple repairs are used to reinforce the discussion around caring and preciousness; the choice is to repair and to highlight the history of the object rather than to discard it.
Pink Stoneware, brass rings, nitrile rubber, found chain, plastic pearls.